Studying the world’s most beautiful primate: the red-shanked douc!
May 14, 2019
We are Association Anoulak!
July 2, 2019
June 5th was the World’s Environment Day. On this occasion, Association Anoulak, along with our local partner the Nakai-Nam Theun National Park office, were invited to participate in an event organized by the Nam Theun 2 Power Company in Gnomalath District, to present and display our work.
The day’s event targeted an audience of primary and secondary school to raise awareness about environmental issues.
Kids and young adults are indeed the future and there is a strong necessity to invest effort in fostering interest and understanding among them about the environmental issues of today to give them the willpower to act for tomorrow.
Anoulak proposed activities and games for the target audience and displayed goods to sell to support our activities.
On this occasion, we also proposed to participate in handcrafted jewelry making as part of our pilot Nakai Women Handcraft Program, which we launched this month (June 2019) in collaboration with the local community association Happy Nakai, supported by the Australian Aid (DAP Program).
More details will follow on another blog post later this month!!!